Justice League

The Justice League of America is comprised of the world’s mightiest heroes. They act as stalwart protectors of sentient life; Earth’s first line of defense against terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, inter-dimensional, and supernatural threats.

First Appearance:  Brave and the Bold #28 (1960)
Creators:  Gardner Fox
Members:  Batman,  Superman,  Wonder Woman,  Green Lantern,  The Flash,  Aquaman,  Martian Manhunter,  Green Arrow,  Black Canary

Ongoing Series

Limited Series



Justice League of America #21
Justice League of America #22

Justice League of America #29
Justice League of America #30

Justice League of America #100
Justice League of America #101
Justice League of America #102

Justice League of America #107
Justice League of America #108

Justice League of America #207

All-Star Squadron #14

Justice League of America #208

All-Star Squadron #15

Justice League of America #209

JLA: Year One #1 (1998)
JLA: Year One #2
JLA: Year One #3
JLA: Year One #4
JLA: Year One #5
JLA: Year One #6
JLA: Year One #7
JLA: Year One #8
JLA: Year One #9
JLA: Year One #10
JLA: Year One #11
JLA: Year One #12

Justice League #1 (1987)
Justice League #2
Justice League #3
Justice League #4

Justice League Annual #1 (1987)

Justice League #5
Justice League #6

After Justice League #6 the series was retitled Justice League International.

Justice League International #7
Justice League International #8
Justice League International #9
Justice League International #10
Justice League International #11
Justice League International #12
Justice League International #13
Justice League International #14
Justice League International #15
Justice League International #16
Justice League International #17
Justice League International #18
Justice League International #19
Justice League International #20
Justice League International #21
Justice League International #22
Justice League International #23
Justice League International #24
Justice League International #25

After Justice League International #25 the series was retitled Justice League America.

Justice League America #26
Justice League America #27
Justice League America #28
Justice League America #29
Justice League America #30

Justice League Europe #1 (1989)
Justice League Europe #2
Justice League Europe #3
Justice League Europe #4
Justice League Europe #5
Justice League Europe #6

Justice League America #31

Justice League Europe #7

Justice League America #32

Justice League Europe #8
Justice League Europe #9
Justice League Europe #10
Justice League Europe #11
Justice League Europe #12

Justice League America #33
Justice League America #34
Justice League America #35
Justice League America #36
Justice League America #37

Justice League Europe #13 (1989)
Justice League Europe #14
Justice League Europe #15
Justice League Europe #16
Justice League Europe #17
Justice League Europe #18
Justice League Europe #19

Justice League America #38
Justice League America #39
Justice League America #40
Justice League America #41
Justice League America #42

Justice League Quarterly #1 (1990)

Justice League America #43
Justice League America #44
Justice League America #45

Justice League Quarterly #2

Justice League America #46
Justice League America #47
Justice League America #48
Justice League America #49
Justice League America #50

Justice League Quarterly #3
Justice League Quarterly #4

Justice League Europe #20
Justice League Europe #21
Justice League Europe #22
Justice League Europe #23
Justice League Europe #24
Justice League Europe #25
Justice League Europe #26
Justice League Europe #27
Justice League Europe #28

Read Justice League: Breakdowns here.

Kingdom Come #1 (1996)
Kingdom Come #2
Kingdom Come #3
Kingdom Come #4

JLA: A Midsummer’s Nightmare #1 (1996)
JLA: A Midsummer’s Nightmare #2
JLA: A Midsummer’s Nightmare #3

JLA Secret Files and Origins #1 (1997)

JLA #1 (1997)
JLA #2
JLA #3
JLA #4
JLA #5
JLA #6
JLA #7
JLA #8
JLA #9
JLA #10
JLA #11
JLA #12
JLA #13
JLA #14
JLA #15

New Year’s Evil: Prometheus #1 (1998)

JLA #16
JLA #17
JLA #18
JLA #19
JLA #20
JLA #21
JLA #22
JLA #23

Read DC One Million here.

JLA #24
JLA #25
JLA #26
JLA #27
JLA #28
JLA #29
JLA #30
JLA #31
JLA #32
JLA #33
JLA #34
JLA #35
JLA #36
JLA #37
JLA #38
JLA #39
JLA #40
JLA #41

JLA: Earth-2 #1 (2000)

JLA #42

JLA: Heaven’s Ladder #1 (2000)

JLA #43
JLA #44
JLA #45
JLA #46
JLA #47
JLA #48
JLA #49
JLA #50
JLA #51
JLA #52
JLA #53
JLA #54
JLA #55
JLA #56
JLA #57
JLA #58
JLA #59
JLA #60
JLA #61
JLA #62
JLA #63
JLA #64
JLA #65
JLA #66
JLA #67
JLA #68
JLA #69
JLA #70
JLA #71
JLA #72
JLA #73
JLA #74
JLA #75
JLA #76

JLA/JSA Secret Files and Origins #1 (2003)

JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice #1 (2003)

JLA #77
JLA #78
JLA #79
JLA #80
JLA #81
JLA #82
JLA #83
JLA #84
JLA #85
JLA #86
JLA #87
JLA #88
JLA #89
JLA #90

Formerly Known as the Justice League #1 (2003)
Formerly Known as the Justice League #2
Formerly Known as the Justice League #3
Formerly Known as the Justice League #4
Formerly Known as the Justice League #5
Formerly Known as the Justice League #6

JLA: Age of Wonder #1 (2003)
JLA: Age of Wonder #2

JLA Classified #4
JLA Classified #5
JLA Classified #6
JLA Classified #7
JLA Classified #8
JLA Classified #9

Justice League of America Vol. 2 #0 (2006)
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #2
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #3
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #4
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #5
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #6
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #7
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #8

Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #5

Justice League of America Vol. 2 #9

Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #6

Justice League of America Vol. 2 #10

Justice League Dark #0

Justice League Vol. 2 #1 (2011)
Justice League Vol. 2 #2
Justice League Vol. 2 #3
Justice League Vol. 2 #4
Justice League Vol. 2 #5
Justice League Vol. 2 #6

Justice League Vol. 2 #23.1 - Darkseid

Justice League International Vol. 3 #1 (2011)
Justice League International Vol. 3 #2
Justice League International Vol. 3 #3
Justice League International Vol. 3 #4
Justice League International Vol. 3 #5
Justice League International Vol. 3 #6

Justice League Dark #1 (2011)
Justice League Dark #2
Justice League Dark #3
Justice League Dark #4
Justice League Dark #5

Justice League International Vol. 3 #7
Justice League International Vol. 3 #8
Justice League International Vol. 3 #9
Justice League International Vol. 3 #10
Justice League International Vol. 3 #11

Justice League Dark #6
Justice League Dark #7

I, Vampire #7

Justice League Dark #8

I, Vampire #8

Justice League International Vol. 3 #12

Justice League Vol. 2 #7

Justice League Dark #9
Justice League Dark #10
Justice League Dark #11
Justice League Dark #12
Justice League Dark #13

Justice League Dark Annual #1 (2012)

Justice League Vol. 2 #8

Justice League Dark #14
Justice League Dark #15
Justice League Dark #16
Justice League Dark #17
Justice League Dark #18

Justice League Vol. 2 #9
Justice League Vol. 2 #10
Justice League Vol. 2 #11

Justice League Vol. 2 #0

Justice League Vol. 2 #12

Justice League International Vol. 3 Annual #1 (2012)

Justice League Vol. 2 #13
Justice League Vol. 2 #14

Read Throne of Atlantis here.

Justice League Dark #19
Justice League Dark #20
Justice League Dark #21

Justice League of America Vol. 3 #1 (2013)
Justice League of America Vol. 3 #2
Justice League of America Vol. 3 #3
Justice League of America Vol. 3 #4
Justice League of America Vol. 3 #5

Justice League Dark #23.1 - The Creeper

Justice League of America Vol. 3 #7.3 - Shadow Thief

Justice League Vol. 2 #18

Justice League Dark #23.2 - Eclipso

Justice League Vol. 2 #23.2 - Lobo

Justice League Vol. 2 #23.3 - Dial E

Read Trinity War here.

Read Forever Evil here.

Justice League Vol. 2 #31
Justice League Vol. 2 #32
Justice League Vol. 2 #33

Justice League Dark #30
Justice League Dark #31
Justice League Dark #32
Justice League Dark #33
Justice League Dark #34

Justice League Vol. 2 #34

Justice League United #0 (2014)
Justice League United #1
Justice League United #2
Justice League United #3
Justice League United #4
Justice League United #5

Justice League United Annual #1 (2014)

Justice League United #6
Justice League United #7
Justice League United #8
Justice League United #9
Justice League United #10

Justice League Dark Annual #2

Justice League Dark #35
Justice League Dark #36
Justice League Dark #37
Justice League Dark #38
Justice League Dark #39
Justice League Dark #40

Justice League Vol. 2 #35
Justice League Vol. 2 #36
Justice League Vol. 2 #37
Justice League Vol. 2 #38
Justice League Vol. 2 #39

Justice League of America Vol. 4 #1 (2015)
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #2
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #3
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #4
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #5
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #6
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #7
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #8
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #9
Justice League of America Vol. 4 #10

Justice League United #11
Justice League United #12
Justice League United #13
Justice League United #14
Justice League United #15
Justice League United #16

Read Darkseid War here.

Justice League Vol. 2 #51
Justice League Vol. 2 #52