Marvel Reading Orders

Welcome to the Marvel Universe.  We will try to help you navigate the history of Marvel comics and provide you with several options on how to tackle the enormous number of comics.  If you are interested in a certain event head over to the Event section and start reading.  If you have a particular character you would like to read about head to the Character section and choose one of the many Character Reading Orders.  If those options don’t seem complete enough for you and you want to read thousands of comics covering the breadth of the Marvel Universe head to the Marvel Master Reading Order and dig in.

Event Orders
Character Orders

Starting Points

Marvel wants you to read their comics.  To help facilitate this they have tried to make easy jumping-on points.  There are several good starting points to begin reading Marvel comics.

If you want the most complete look at the Marvel Universe there is really only one place to start,  way back at the beginning.  Honestly this isn’t recommended for everyone.  If you choose this yes you will experience all the events and learn about all the characters but it comes at the cost of reading thousands and thousands of issues.  If this is what you want to do we have you covered.  Just head to the Marvel Master Reading Order and start reading.

An alternative to reading everything in the Master reading order would be to choose the characters you are interested in and reading their individual Character Reading Orders up to one of the other Starting Points and then continuing on from there.

Alternate Universes

Along with the main Marvel Universe there are several alternate universes that can be read separately.  These are mostly stand-alone and rarely crossover into the main Marvel universe.