Marvel Events

Welcome to our list of Marvel Event Reading Orders.  These reading orders include all core issues and tie-ins for each event.  Sometimes these reading orders will also contain prologue or epilogue issues that,  while not part of the official event,  will give you a better reading experience.  Also included in this list are reading orders for "status quo" events.  Rather than a regular event these are periods of time that follow an event,  that while not specifically connected,  generally have a shared theme.  Examples of these types of "events" are Dark Reign following Secret Invasion and Shattered Heroes following Fear Itself.  These periods usually reveal the new status quo after a major event.  This page also contains reading orders for major Marvel alternate universes,  such as Ultimate Marvel and Marvel 2099.

If you want to view the events in chronological order go to the Marvel Event Timeline.

Many events relating specifically to the X-Men are under the letter X
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


2099 (2019)



A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022)

Avengers - X-Men - Eternals

Absolute Carnage (2019)

Carnage - Venom - Spider-Man

Acts of Vengeance (1989)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - Loki

Age of Apocalypse (1995)

X-Men - Apocalypse

Age of Ultron (2013)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - Wolverine - Ultron

Age of X (2011)

X-Men - New Mutants

Age of X-Man (2019)

X-Man - X-Men

Annihilation (2006)

Nova - Silver Surfer - Ronan the Accuser - Annihilus

Annihilation: Conquest (2007)

Nova - Star-Lord - Quasar - Ultron

Annihilation: Scourge (2019)

Nova - Fantastic Four - Beta Ray Bill - Silver Surfer

Apocalypse: The Twelve (2000)

X-Men - X-Force - Apocalypse

Apocalypse Wars (2016)

X-Men - Apocalypse

Atlantis Attacks (1989)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - New Mutants - Spider-Man

Avengers/Defenders War (1973)

Avengers - Defenders - Loki

Avengers Disassembled (2004)

Avengers - Spider-Man - Fantastic Four

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS (2014)

Avengers - X-Men - X-Factor - Red Skull

Avengers vs. X-Men (2012)

Avengers - X-Men


Black Vortex (2015)

X-Men - Guardians of the Galaxy

Blood Hunt (2024)

Avengers - Blade - Miles Morales - Dracula

Blood and Thunder (1993)

Thor - Silver Surfer - Adam Warlock

Bloodties (1993)

Avengers - X-Men


Chaos War (2010)

Hulk - Hercules - Thor

Child's Play (1994)

New Warriors - X-Force

Civil War (2006)

Iron Man - Captain America - Spider-Man - Fantastic Four

Civil War II (2016)

Captain Marvel - Iron Man - Ulysses

Cosmic Marvel (1966-2016)

Thanos - Adam Warlock - Nova - Guardians of the Galaxy - Silver Surfer

Countdown (1995)

Punisher - Bullseye


Damnation (2018)

Doctor Strange - Scarlet Spider - Iron Fist - Mephisto

Dark Reign (2008)

Avengers - Dark Avengers - Norman Osborn

Dark Web (2022)

Spider-Man - X-Men

Days of Future Present (1990)

Franklin Richards - X-Factor - New Mutants

Dead Man's Hand (1992)

Punisher - Daredevil

Decimation (2006)

X-Men - X-Factor

Devil's Reign (2021)

Daredevil - Kingpin - Avengers


Earth X (1999)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - X-Men

Eighth Day (1999)

Iron Man - Thor - Spider-Man

Empyre (2020)


Eve of Destruction (2001)

X-Men - Magneto

Evolutionary War (1988)

Avengers - X-Men - Spider-Man - Silver Surfer


Fall of the Hulks (2009)

Hulk - Red Hulk - She-Hulk

Fall of the Mutants (1988)

X-Men - X-Factor - New Mutants - Apocalypse

Fatal Attractions (1993)

X-Men - X-Factor - X-Force - Magneto

Fear Itself (2011)

Avengers - X-Men - Thor

For Love Nor Money (1993)

Luke Cage - Silver Sable


Gang War (2023)

Spider-Man - Luke Cage - Daredevil - Miles Morales

Goblin Nation (2014)

Superior Spider-Man


Heroes Reborn (1996)

Avengers - Fantastic Four

Heroic Age (2010)

Avengers - X-Men

House of M (2005)

X-Men - Scarlet Witch


Inferno (1988)

X-Men - X-Factor - New Mutants

Infinity (2013)

Avengers - Inhumans - Guardians of the Galaxy - Thanos

Infinity Countdown (2018)

Adam Warlock - Hank Pym - Guardians of the Galaxy

Infinity Crusade (1993)

Adam Warlock - Thanos

Infinity Gauntlet (1991)

Silver Surfer - Thanos - Avengers

Infinity War (1992)

Thanos - Magnus - Adam Warlock

Infinity Wars (2018)

Infinity Watch - Requiem - Loki

Inhumanity (2014)

Avengers - Inhumans

Inhumans vs. X-Men (2016)

Inhumans - X-Men

The Initiative (2007)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - Punisher - Thunderbolts

Iron Man 2020 (2020)

Iron Man - Machine Man


Jonathan Hickman's Marvel (2009-2015)

Avengers - Secret Warriors - Fantastic Four


Kraven's Last Hunt (1987)

Spider-Man - Kraven the Hunter


Last Annihilation (2021)

Guardians of the Galaxy - Dormammu - Ego the Living Planet


Magneto War (1999)

X-Men - Magneto

Marvel 1602 (2003)

Fantastic Four - X-Men - Spider-Man

Marvel 2099 (1992)

Spider-Man - Doctor Doom - Punisher - X-Men

Marvel Zombies (2005)

Avengers - X-Men - Fantastic Four - Spider-Man

Maximum Carnage (1993)

Spider-Man - Carnage - Venom

Maximum Security (2000)

Avengers - X-Men - Ego the Living Planet

MC2 (1998)


Messiah War (2009)

Cable - X-Force

Midnight Massacre (1993)

Ghost Rider - Blade - Morbius

Minimum Carnage (2012)

Venom - Scarlet Spider - Carnage

Monsters Unleashed (2017)

Avengers - Champions - Guardians of the Galaxy - Inhumans - X-Men

Muir Island Saga (1991)

X-Men - X-Factor

Mutant Massacre (1986)

X-Men - X-Factor - Thor


Necrosha (2009)

X-Force - New Mutants - X-Men


One More Day (2007)

Spider-Man - Mary Jane Watson

Onslaught Saga (1996)

Avengers - Fantastic Four - X-Men - Onslaught

Original Sin (2014)

Avengers - Nick Fury

Over the Edge (1995)

Punisher - Nick Fury


Phalanx Covenant (1994)

X-Men - X-Factor - X-Force



Realm of Kings (2010)

Nova - Guardians of the Galaxy - Inhumans

Revolutionary War (2014)

Captain Britain - Pete Wisdom - Dark Angel

Rise of the Midnight Sons (1992)

Ghost Rider - Blade - Morbius


Second Clone Saga (1994)

Spider-Man - Scarlet Spider

Secret Empire (2017)

Captain America - HYDRA

Secret Invasion (2008)

Avengers - Skrulls

Secret Wars II (1985)

Avengers - X-Men - The Beyonder - Spider-Man

Shadowland (2010)

Daredevil - Luke Cage - Iron Fist

Shattered Heroes (2011)

Avengers - Hulk - Iron Man - Thor

Siege (2010)

Avengers - Dark Avengers - Secret Warriors

Siege of Darkness (1993)

Blade - Ghost Rider - Doctor Strange

Sins of Sinister (2023)

X-Men - Mister Sinister

Spider-Geddon (2018)

Spider-Man - Superior Spider-Man - Scarlet Spider - Spider-Girl

Spider-Island (2011)

Spider-Man - Venom

Spider-Man: The Other (2005)

Spider-Man - Morlun

Spider-Verse (2014)

Spider-Man - Superior Spider-Man - Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Women (2016)

Spider-Woman - Spider-Gwen - Silk


The Thanos Imperative (2010)

Guardians of the Galaxy - Nova - Thanos

Thanos War (1973)

Thanos - Captain Marvel

Time and Time Again (1994)

New Warriors - Nova

The Trial of Jean Grey (2014)

X-Men - Guardians of the Galaxy


Utopia (2009)

X-Men - Dark Avengers


Venom Inc. (2018)

Venom - Spider-Man - Anti-Venom

Venomverse (2017)

Venom - Symbiotes


War of Kings (2009)

Nova - Guardians of the Galaxy - Inhumans

War of the Realms (2019)

Thor - Avengers - Malekith

Wolverine Goes to Hell (2010)

Wolverine - Daken - X-23

World War Hulk (2007)

Hulk - Avengers

World War Hulks (2010)

Hulk - Red Hulk - Skaar

Wraith War (1983)

Rom - Dire Wraiths


X-Cutioner's Song (1992)

X-Men - X-Force - X-Factor

X-Men: Divided We Stand (2008)

X-Men - X-Force - X-Factor - Wolverine - Cable

X-Men: Messiah Complex (2007)

X-Men - X-Force - X-Factor - New X-Men

X-Men: Nation X (2009)

X-Men - New Mutants

X-Men: Original Sin (2008)

Wolverine - X-Men

X-Men: Regenesis (2011)

X-Men - Wolverine - New Mutants

X-Men: Second Coming (2010)

X-Men - New Mutants - Cable - Hope Summers

X-Tinction Agenda (1990)

X-Men - X-Factor - New Mutants