
At the beginning of the Kree-Skrull War, millions of years ago, the alien Kree established a station on the planet Uranus. They discovered that sentient life on nearby Earth had genetic potential invested in it by the alien Celestials. The Kree began to experiment on Earth’s then-primitive Homo sapiens to produce the genetically advanced Inhuman race. Although their experiments were successful in creating a strain of humanity with extraordinary abilities, the Kree abandoned their experiment. The Inhumans went on to form a society of their own, which thrived in seclusion from the rest of humanity and developed advanced technology.

First Appearance:  Fantastic Four #45 (1965)
Creators:  Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Members:  Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Crystal, Maximus the Mad

Ongoing Series

Limited Series



Alternate Starting Point: Inhumans Vol. 2 #1 - Recommended Starting point

Alternate Starting Point: Infinity - The beginning of Marvel's current "push" of the Inhumans

All of the earliest Inhumans appearances can be found in the trade paperback Inhumans: Origin of the Inhumans (2013).

Fantastic Four #44
Fantastic Four #45 – First appearance of the Inhumans
Fantastic Four #46
Fantastic Four #47
Fantastic Four #48 – First appearance of Galactus and the Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four #59
Fantastic Four #60
Fantastic Four #61
Fantastic Four #62
Fantastic Four #63

Thor #146 - Inhumans appear as a back-up story in Thor #146-152
Thor #147
Thor #148
Thor #149
Thor #150
Thor #151
Thor #152

Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #1 (1970)
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #2
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #3
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #4
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #5
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #6
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #7
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #8
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #9
Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #10

Avengers #127

Fantastic Four #150

Inhumans #1 (1975)
Inhumans #2
Inhumans #3
Inhumans #4
Inhumans #5
Inhumans #6
Inhumans #7
Inhumans #8
Inhumans #9
Inhumans #10
Inhumans #11
Inhumans #12

Marvel Graphic Novel #39 - The Inhumans

Inhumans Vol. 2 #1 (1998)
Inhumans Vol. 2 #2
Inhumans Vol. 2 #3
Inhumans Vol. 2 #4
Inhumans Vol. 2 #5
Inhumans Vol. 2 #6
Inhumans Vol. 2 #7
Inhumans Vol. 2 #8
Inhumans Vol. 2 #9
Inhumans Vol. 2 #10
Inhumans Vol. 2 #11
Inhumans Vol. 2 #12

Son of M #1 (2006)
Son of M #2
Son of M #3
Son of M #4
Son of M #5
Son of M #6

Silent War #1 (2007)
Silent War #2
Silent War #3
Silent War #4
Silent War #5
Silent War #6

Secret Invasion: Inhumans #1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Inhumans #2
Secret Invasion: Inhumans #3
Secret Invasion: Inhumans #4

Read War of Kings here.

Read Realm of Kings here.

FF #6
FF #7
FF #8
FF #9

Read Infinity here.

Read Inhumanity here.

Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #1 (2014)
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #2
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #3
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #4
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #5

Inhuman #1 (2014)
Inhuman #2
Inhuman #3

Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #6
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #7
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #8
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #9
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #10
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #11

Inhuman #4
Inhuman #5
Inhuman #6
Inhuman #7
Inhuman #8
Inhuman #9
Inhuman #10
Inhuman #11
Inhuman #12

Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #12

Inhuman #13

Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #13
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #14
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #15

Inhuman #14

Inhuman Annual #1 (2015)

Uncanny Inhumans #0 (2015)

Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #16
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #17
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #18
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 #19

Uncanny Inhumans #1
Uncanny Inhumans #2
Uncanny Inhumans #3
Uncanny Inhumans #4

All-New Inhumans #1 (2016)
All-New Inhumans #2
All-New Inhumans #3
All-New Inhumans #4

Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #1 (2016)
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #2
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #3
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #4
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #5
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #6

Uncanny Inhumans #5
Uncanny Inhumans #6
Uncanny Inhumans #7
Uncanny Inhumans #8
Uncanny Inhumans #9
Uncanny Inhumans #10

Karnak #1 (2015)
Karnak #2
Karnak #3
Karnak #4
Karnak #5
Karnak #6

All-New Inhumans #5
All-New Inhumans #6
All-New Inhumans #7
All-New Inhumans #8
All-New Inhumans #9
All-New Inhumans #10
All-New Inhumans #11

Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1 (2016)

Read Civil War II here.

Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #12
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #13
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #14
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #15
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #16
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #17

Mosaic #1 (2016)
Mosaic #2
Mosaic #3
Mosaic #4
Mosaic #5
Mosaic #6
Mosaic #7
Mosaic #8

Uncanny Inhumans #15
Uncanny Inhumans #16
Uncanny Inhumans #17

Read Inhumans vs. X-Men here.

Inhumans Prime #1 (2017)

Royals #1 (2017)
Royals #2
Royals #3
Royals #4
Royals #5
Royals #6
Royals #7
Royals #8

Black Bolt #1 (2017)
Black Bolt #2
Black Bolt #3
Black Bolt #4
Black Bolt #5
Black Bolt #6
Black Bolt #7

Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #18
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #19
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #20
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #21
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #22
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #23
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #24

Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #1 (2017)
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #2
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #3
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #4
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #5

Royals #9
Royals #10
Royals #11
Royals #12

Inhumans: Judgement Day #1 (2018)

Black Bolt #8
Black Bolt #9
Black Bolt #10
Black Bolt #11
Black Bolt #12

Lockjaw #1 (2018)
Lockjaw #2
Lockjaw #3
Lockjaw #4

Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #25
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #26
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #27
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #28
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #29
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #30

Death of the Inhumans #1 (2018)
Death of the Inhumans #2
Death of the Inhumans #3
Death of the Inhumans #4
Death of the Inhumans #5

Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #31
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #32
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #33
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #34
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #35
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #36
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #37
Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #38

Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1 (2019)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #6