Lazarus Planet
A volcano on Lazarus Island erupts, causing global magic storms that both give superpowers and alter existing ones.
Year Published: 2023
Featured Characters: Batman, Damian Wayne, Monkey Prince
Previous Event: Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths
Next Event: Knight Terrors
Limited Series
Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1 (2023)
Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1 (2023)
Monkey Prince #11
Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 (2023)
Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1 (2023)
Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1 (2023)
Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1 (2023)
Lazarus Planet: Omega #1 (2023)
Batman vs. Robin #5
Monkey Prince #12
Wonder Woman #794Wonder Woman #795
Wonder Woman #796
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 (2023)
Wonder Woman #797
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #2
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #3
Wonder Woman #798
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #4